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Eichiiiiii June 24, 2019 4:00 pm

Is anyone else noticing the growth of the yaoi anime genre? In just two years we got shows like Banana Fish, Dakeretai, and now Given. I remember when yaoi anime used to be just porn and now they’re becoming real stories with actually gay characters and interesting plots to go with it(side note: Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakenai is getting a movie this winter and I’m so excited!!!!!)

    moonbears June 24, 2019 4:03 pm

    actually, banana fish doesn't count as bl

    Spud~ June 24, 2019 4:30 pm

    Yh and there’s quite a few coming out next year as well

    blatantescapist June 24, 2019 5:35 pm

    You do know that banana fish is a manga released in 1985, right? I don't watch yaoi anime but I do understand what you mean. Compared to older works, a bunch of bl mangas nowadays are getting less cliche or they play around the old stereotypical plot. I hope they get more and more progressive in the coming years. Nothing too outrageous, just less rape and more sweet fluff.