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Will it ever end?

Anonymous June 20, 2019 5:48 am

Hey seriously stop ruining the comment section with the childish “ship war” comments. No webtoon is left unscathed with this bullshit. This was the one webtoon that didn't have that stupid shit all throughout the comments.

I don’t get the idiotic fixation with who is dating who or why everyone is so concerned about the romantic pairing. There are richer discussions to be had.

The purpose of this webtoon is a dark exploration of how untreated mental illness corrupts any possibility of a lasting connection. Even if you find such a connection, as seungho and dohyun did, eventually the lack of development and improvement of your mental health will act as a festering wound that poisons the relationship. Having petty fights about people hoping for these two to have some happiness or end up together or not just shows how themes just soar over the heads of so many people on this damn site because you all have a hard on for wearing ‘ships’ like a badge of authority.
