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Akari may seem like he's being a douche, but he really is looking out for his friends. If ...

HaJime June 18, 2019 3:51 am

Akari may seem like he's being a douche, but he really is looking out for his friends. If their resolve is so weak that they could be persuaded this easily, then it's probably better that they don't get together.

    Yaoilover1995 June 18, 2019 3:57 am

    I get a weird bad vobe from him and I dont understand why. At this moment I don't like him or trust him. He's making things more complicated. Just my opinion not trying to be rude.

    Vash June 19, 2019 8:01 am

    YESS!! that's what i thought too! without Akari, they maybe keep on running in circle! I'm happy that there are someone in the comment who think the same as me