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I love it! Especially the "end" when Naruto practically glomps Sasuke-Kun... I'm a HUUUUUG...

Shan-Chan January 5, 2014 8:58 am

I love it! Especially the "end" when Naruto practically glomps Sasuke-Kun... I'm a HUUUUUGE NaruSasu/SasuNaru fangirl and let me just say, A+! Truly amazing! You're quite the artist as well! I love how you can just instantly read the emotions of everyone! I would love it of you'd continue this! I would die of fangirl nosebleed and there'd be quite a bit of fangirl squealing and giggling (which isn't anything above normal for me when it comes to my fave OTP), juts like there was when I was reading this! I can't wait to read the continuation of this! Excellent job! Keep it up!
