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I woke up depressed, went on a game I’m bad at, and spent $2:00 out of pity for myself. ...

Well, I was wrong. June 13, 2019 10:48 pm

I woke up depressed, went on a game I’m bad at, and spent $2:00 out of pity for myself.

What did you do today.....

    Snow June 13, 2019 10:55 pm

    I have an really really important exam coming and instead of studying I just stared at my book for the whole day.
    Sooo great so far ( ̄へ ̄)

    radishwasher June 13, 2019 11:08 pm

    Oh hey there I just woke up, gotta look for a job while employed people are excited for their payday, consoling myself by reading Kingsmaker, no breakfast yet but I'm ready to splurge that $1

    Satan June 13, 2019 11:21 pm

    I volunteered for 10 hours, spending a lot of the time being quizzed and being told to do things that I've never done before except in practice. Then I rushed from there to a shitty 1-hour seminar that told me all information I already knew. After that, I came home and sent out two emails.

    a i r June 13, 2019 11:23 pm

    Woke up. Stayed alive. Ate. Stayed alive. Ate again. Now I’m working on staying alive until I should eat again.

    Well, I was wrong. June 13, 2019 11:26 pm
    Woke up. Stayed alive. Ate. Stayed alive. Ate again. Now I’m working on staying alive until I should eat again. a i r

    Good luck. I know it’s hard.

    Well, I was wrong. June 13, 2019 11:26 pm
    I volunteered for 10 hours, spending a lot of the time being quizzed and being told to do things that I've never done before except in practice. Then I rushed from there to a shitty 1-hour seminar that told me ... Satan

    Well, I was wrong. June 13, 2019 11:27 pm
    Oh hey there I just woke up, gotta look for a job while employed people are excited for their payday, consoling myself by reading Kingsmaker, no breakfast yet but I'm ready to splurge that $1 radishwasher

    I feel your pain

    Well, I was wrong. June 13, 2019 11:28 pm
    I have an really really important exam coming and instead of studying I just stared at my book for the whole day.Sooo great so far ( ̄へ ̄) Snow


    LALALAND June 13, 2019 11:38 pm

    I studied this whole year for my exam and guess what I fucked It up

    GoldenScale June 14, 2019 12:00 am

    Signed my letter of offer for a new job and ate chicken wings. °^°

    Rhaat June 14, 2019 12:28 am

    Woke up, spend 1 hour on the toilet reading memes and yaoi, took a 30 mins long shower, go back to sleep, woke up hungry, ate my family, went to sleep again then woke up and read Yaoi now I'm on the bed typing this and ready to go to sleep to restart my day.