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I’m so sick of this basic white love WHERE ARE THE ASIANS AND THE AFRICANS AND THE MEX...

Anonymous June 12, 2019 10:45 pm

I’m so sick of this basic white love


    Misses June 12, 2019 10:48 pm


    Loona June 12, 2019 10:49 pm

    well yaoi has their own cliches, ''''''rules''''' and characteristics so I don't blame these japanese authors. <Go try to find BD from international authors because the japanese like this way (most of them ofc)

    Anonymous June 12, 2019 11:03 pm
    well yaoi has their own cliches, ''''''rules''''' and characteristics so I don't blame these japanese authors. <Go try to find BD from international authors because the japanese like this way (most of them o... Loona

    Okay but I’m talking about Hollywood. Most of my friends are white and I didn’t want them to feel bad so came here to rant

    silversky June 12, 2019 11:17 pm

    me @ love island

    Anonymous June 12, 2019 11:38 pm

    Don't Asian, African and Mexican go after white love? Biracial are there too and you're sick of white love, because something is wrong with you, not the white love. If you've read enough novels, you've seen lots of white of love, but do we have a lot of white love comics comparing to Asian? No and no one has problem with that, simply, because that's no problem, other than you.

    PhasetheMoon June 12, 2019 11:54 pm
    Don't Asian, African and Mexican go after white love? Biracial are there too and you're sick of white love, because something is wrong with you, not the white love. If you've read enough novels, you've seen lo... @Anonymous


    Anonymous June 12, 2019 11:59 pm
    ...chill PhasetheMoon

    If they let.

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 12:17 am
    Don't Asian, African and Mexican go after white love? Biracial are there too and you're sick of white love, because something is wrong with you, not the white love. If you've read enough novels, you've seen lo... @Anonymous

    Don't kid yourself. White love is PROMOTED to asians, Africans, and Mexicans. There is a difference when the dominate, white culture pushes white love and white narratives over others. Trust, we would love to see a little racial and cultural diversity, but mainstream media is overwhelmingly dominated by whites.

    Uh June 13, 2019 12:24 am

    You mean Hollywood in general, right? It’s a little confusing when you’re ranting in a manga site. Makes it sound like you hate romance mangas/manhwa/manhua.

    Cloudy June 13, 2019 12:26 am
    Don't Asian, African and Mexican go after white love? Biracial are there too and you're sick of white love, because something is wrong with you, not the white love. If you've read enough novels, you've seen lo... @Anonymous

    What do you mean no one has a problem with it?? Many young POC and white people want diversity but Hollywood won’t take their rose-colored headphones off and listen

    europa June 13, 2019 1:02 am
    Don't Asian, African and Mexican go after white love? Biracial are there too and you're sick of white love, because something is wrong with you, not the white love. If you've read enough novels, you've seen lo... @Anonymous

    You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. Do you know why this the case? A little thing called colonialism and imperialism. If white people hadn’t forceable made everything revolve around a Eurocentric standard then no one would think this way. Because of years and years of continued globalization and neoimperalism OF COURSE white love would be more visible when they’re the majority. The trope that all biracial love is white person x brown person or Asian in some case is tired and shows the roots of which white people built themselves upon aka racism.

    wooke June 13, 2019 1:06 am

    Oof I swearrrrr and half of the time when I think theres actually a person of colour its actually just supposed to be an Asian dude with a tan or sumn

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 1:28 am

    You got money, you got power, you say what's right or wrong and white sells like sex. That's No. one rule, when they do invest their money with other shareholders and their interests. Don't like it, make your own individual. Let's see how much shit you can go through, then come here, preach about mass media, you pea for brain. That's very interesting Korean are No 1 in cosmetic surgeries to make themselves more visible, you all are the same, just don't have their opportunities.

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 3:12 am

    They are living their real lives in real time. this is a fantasy manga site. It can not and is not suppose to fill every need same every one. Love does not change just bec. the ethnic (culture)of the person is not the same. I'm not Romeo and Juliet and yet I can understand the story. when i'm reading something that I'm into or see a film I like the first think i think about is not how white/black this is.I'm thinking is it good or not. If all you see is color you lose a lot life that way. Hollywood is a fantasy it;s not real it not real life. Mexican t,v: all the rich are light skinned the poor are dark skin....... All fake.

    IAmRapist June 13, 2019 12:49 pm

    Most of the population in America is white, Hollywood actors are white for the most part as well. Of course you're going to see a lot of white x white romances. Obviously it's good to have romances featuring people of different ethnic backgrounds, but it makes sense that the romances are predominantly white in America. If you went to China, you'd see a lot of Chinese x Chinese romances. If you went to India, you'd see a lot of Indian x Indian romances.