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Seunghee x Inbeom x Suhyok

Anonymous June 8, 2019 6:51 am

After 112 episodes now, I can honestly say that I dislike Seunghee and Inbeom. Which is fine, because not all characters are meant to be likable and clearly these two were made to be friends and a support to one another.

Only a person as bullheaded and as petty as Seunghee could be friends with Inbeom. Everyone else who knows Inbeom stays away from him, including his OWN cousin, because Inbeom is an asshole and a violent one at that. Inbeom who is an absolute dick to his own cousin, inbeom who was a bully, inbeom who took out his feelings of emotional neglect and self pity on others, inbeom who proceeded to bully a guy bc he liked him and then after getting his ass whooped, went back after the guy with a weapon because he didnt have the hands to fight him. Who else would be his friend? Someone who doesnt know his past and someone who has a penchant for getting involved with the wrong type of people and staying involved because he likes being petty and looks for love in the wrong places. Even now if Seungtaek and Kyubin had explained the situation, Seunghee would have gone full force in his friendship w/ Inbeom because he is so incredibly defensive and unloved that he seems to self sabotage because he just cant believe that anyone has his best interest at heart.

So even though I honestly hate these two characters, in a way I’m glad that they found each other because I do think everyone needs a friend and its clear that Seunghee feels so alienated in life that he cant emotionally connect to people who aren't as alienated as he is and because of that until Seunghee heals himself, I dont think he and Suhyeok are a good fit. The relationship seems so dead and one sided because emotionally Seunghee is not ready and sometimes it seems like Suhyeok is talking to a brick wall. Seunghee needs a friend and better Inbeom than the fucking pedophile he couldnt seem to stay away from. Ugh that boy is his own worst enemy and he cant realize that no one hates him more than he hates himself.

Im honestly over this arc and its been dragging because none of these character are the type to self reflect so its just an endless cycle of self sabotage, miscommunication and awkward glances and silences.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 1:01 pm

    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and has a lot of personal problems. He’s been used in the past, and now he’s cautious. He just wants to be loved. I think he should make friends first, and get into a relationship a bit later, when he makes peace with himself and the world.
    Tho I have to disagree with your comment on Inbeom. I agree that he was a bully, and an ass, but he’s changing. And I personally really like him now. He’s nowhere near perfect, but he’s getting better, and I like this new development.

    I also don’t think this arc is dragging on that long? But I may be biased, since I’m just happy Seunghee is the main focus again. He’s such a complex, interesting character for me, I got attached to him at the start of the story. So when the focus shifted from him to the first couple, I thought I’d wait until he’d be back in the frame. I honestly didn’t like the first arc. I started reading it hoping Seunghee would appear, but I was frustrated with the characters. For me, it was Kyubin and Sungtaek that I hated. I started liking Kyubin a bit better throughout time, but I couldn’t help hating Sungtaek, and the way he’d treat Kyubin. I also felt, it was dragging on too long, and I couldn’t suffer through more of that. So I didn’t finish it, and waited for the new arc to begin. I do think Kyubin and Sungtaek are good couple now, but I’m just not interested.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 1:13 pm
    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and ... Anonymous

    Also, I feel like it would be weird if there was no awkwardness between Seunghee and Suhyeok. They’re a new couple, who didn’t know each other too well before, they don’t have that much in common, and their relationship felt too fast/rushed to me. So the awkwardness is natural, and I’m interested in seeing how they’ll deal with it.
    But I gotta admit, Suhyeok was suspicious to me for a while. He seemed a bit insincere? Idk. He and Seunghee don’t really know each other that well and they’re both rather quiet, so I just want them to talk. Just communicate with each other and get to know each other better.

    Timtim June 8, 2019 3:28 pm

    The people disliking this are mad cuz you’re telling the truth. I honestly don’t care about this couple I’m just reading it each time to see if I can see the first couple. I never liked Seunghee because he was so typical to me like a stereotype ig . And the cousin was a bully idk why people are feeling sorry for him when he is basically ruining relationships. This current relationship is boring to me, the first couple had history and growth which was completely different from other typical “manga world” relationships lol

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:38 pm
    Personally Seunghee is my favorite character, but I do agree that he’s his own enemy and such. But the fact that he’s building walls around himself is pretty understandable. He’s awkward with people, and ... Anonymous

    Yea I can’t get down with the whole “Inbeom just wants to be loved “ excuse that his fans throw around. Out of all the characters Inbeom has been the most malicious yet because he has a bit of humor to him everyone sweeps it under the rug and says he’s changing, even though he’s really NOT. He just hasn’t been challenged yet.

    I don’t see how Seungtaek hasnt been forgiven even though he’s quite literally been a positive motivating force in Kyubin’s life and has been honest with him about his feelings. Yet Inbeom who literally physically and sexually assaulted him, gets a pat on the back bc his parents were emotionally neglectful? All these kids have absent parents in one way or another thats why theyre all in the relationships that theyre in. Yet nobody but Inbeom is going around violating people’s personal space.

    Its just weird that there are heavier grievances to be had about Inbeom yet his fans insist on painting Seungtaek and Suhyeok as bad guys? I honestly feel sorry for Suhyeok. His cousin is a raging asshole and his boyfriend is an emotionally damaged ticking timebomb so will disengage if he say the right thing at the wrong time. Suhyeok needs to cut his loses and leave them both to their own bullshit. But his issue is that he’s bored and has no direction in life.

    Also I dont think S&K’s relationship dragged, they had the most development out of all the characters. But I can respect that maybe their relationship is just not your cup of tea.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:42 pm
    The people disliking this are mad cuz you’re telling the truth. I honestly don’t care about this couple I’m just reading it each time to see if I can see the first couple. I never liked Seunghee because h... Timtim

    I think a lot of Seunghee fans may like his rebellious damsel in distress persona a bit more than they let on and are waiting for some prince to save him and Inbeom to them seems like the perfect anti-prince. Its cliche but since they both have attitude problems, it seems “ fresh” , yet they call Kyutaek cliche? The low levels of reading comprehension on this board amazes me sometimes.

    I really wish we did have more Kyutaek. Id rather watch them eating ramen and studying than watch Suhyeok watching Seunghee staring that paint drying. They bore me to death, after all this time they still dont know anything about each other personally and have made no significant progress towards developing a relationship.

    Timtim June 9, 2019 2:36 pm
    I think a lot of Seunghee fans may like his rebellious damsel in distress persona a bit more than they let on and are waiting for some prince to save him and Inbeom to them seems like the perfect anti-prince. I... Anonymous

    Yes exactly