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Do you like gossip?

LittleMissBunny May 27, 2019 10:18 am

It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I just like hearing stories about people. I don't share it because I only have 1 friend and she already knows about it and is the one telling me stuff. I'm always the last to know anything, but idc cuz I just like hearing about drama since my life is boring. ( ̄∇ ̄") ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Luca May 27, 2019 10:38 am

    True. Gossips are a form of entertainment for my boring zero-drama life. It’s just like the drama with Tati and James Charles lol. I wasn’t on anyone’s sides, just there for TEA.

    Mayumi May 27, 2019 11:10 am

    LMAAOOOO I don't wanna say this but same I love drama, but I don't wanna be involved in it lmao

    Nekomi-chan May 27, 2019 1:18 pm
    True. Gossips are a form of entertainment for my boring zero-drama life. It’s just like the drama with Tati and James Charles lol. I wasn’t on anyone’s sides, just there for TEA. Luca

    Same sis!

    CHOI YENA'S DUCK FACE May 27, 2019 1:35 pm

    lmao yes I love drama but don't involve me in it

    Psycho May 27, 2019 1:36 pm

    i did when i was in high school but now im no longer interested. their lives are none of my business and besides, in most circumstances, along with gossip goes bitching about others and im certainly in no position to talk....
    enjoying gossip has to do with with ur friends' interests(mostly). if they have nothing better to discuss they just start talking and judging others-.- i need to admit that im in some kind of clique in uni and the girls there are all about looks and boyfriends and well, gossiping but i try to avoid the matter everytime they start.

    Psycho May 27, 2019 1:46 pm
    i did when i was in high school but now im no longer interested. their lives are none of my business and besides, in most circumstances, along with gossip goes bitching about others and im certainly in no posit... Psycho

    im so bored of hearing "she is such a slut, she slept with 3 people in one week bla bla bla...and one of them was person A, like why?...and have u seen her ass? she uploaded this photo on instagram bla bla" why the fuck should i care? its not like she is my friend or something, she is just a person i greet sometimes in order to just be polite. i couldnt care less about her personal life-.-

    sorry but i had to rant somewhere.

    Psycho May 27, 2019 1:56 pm
    im so bored of hearing "she is such a slut, she slept with 3 people in one week bla bla bla...and one of them was person A, like why?...and have u seen her ass? she uploaded this photo on instagram bla bla" why... Psycho

    and i bet that in someone else's story im also a "villain". its not like we dont do shit-in that case u need to "properly understand ur friends" but when it comes to others, we just start talking nonstop without considering the other's perspective.

    Luca May 27, 2019 2:24 pm
    i did when i was in high school but now im no longer interested. their lives are none of my business and besides, in most circumstances, along with gossip goes bitching about others and im certainly in no posit... Psycho

    Everyone knows that lol but we tend not to care. It’s no fun if you think too much and too deep when it comes to gossips. It’s just a part of daily life entertainment where plain bored people just like to indulge in. I see no wrong whether we gossip bad or good about people. And if people always gonna indulge in philosophical talk and logical discussions about “different perspectives”, then where’s the fun lol? That’s just too serious and pretty much gonna ruin the easy-going mood when someone just suddenly interrupts and lists all the bad things about gossips and judging people. It’s fine to interrupt when the gossips became too serious but it’s literally a mood killer if someone just suddenly interrupts when it’s just jokes and empty talks. Well ofc some things might be offensive for people but if people can’t even take simple gossips or light jokes and simply go mad and angry about it, then I doubt those people could actually maintain relationships.

    Psycho May 27, 2019 6:30 pm
    Everyone knows that lol but we tend not to care. It’s no fun if you think too much and too deep when it comes to gossips. It’s just a part of daily life entertainment where plain bored people just like to i... Luca

    or u can find people that have more interesting things to discuss about. its a matter of culture. in high school u do it in order to fit, on the other hand, when u r older u finally understand that not all people are like that, just certain cliques...sure u r used to it, but then again when u can talk about a variety of subjects why would u pick that? if u want something more sassy u can play games when u r revealing things about ur bad side like "10 things/events u never talked about", "with what kind of immoral act are u most comfortable and how would u do it", "i would never...", "never have i ever" (bring the drinks pls), the "lighter" thing and so much more. in this case instead of judging strangers u r judging urself and ur friends which is definitely funnier and more interesting.

    And its not like i tell people that is bad to do it, i just avoid this kind of convo.

    plus from a psychological aspect people who tend to do it a lot, often have low self-esteem and inferiority issues .

    Luca May 27, 2019 11:53 pm
    or u can find people that have more interesting things to discuss about. its a matter of culture. in high school u do it in order to fit, on the other hand, when u r older u finally understand that not all peop... Psycho

    .....(-.-)I thought I already covered the first part of your paragraph lol. My sentence of “Its just a part of daily life entertainment” pretty much summarise it. That sentence literally means that it’s only a part of conversations and not all of it. Sure there’s a few light discussions and sometimes games but we throw in gossips at times. Besides, gossip is a social skill, not a character flaw. And there’s a lot of aspects when it comes to gossips, I think you’re just thinking of gossips on it’s bad side. It’s not all about judging strangers. Sometimes avoiding gossips is like a one-way ticket to social isolation though I don’t know where you got that idea of “low self-esteem and inferiority issues” from. Also, I didn’t think a topic about “Do you like gossips?” would get so serious lol.

    Psycho May 28, 2019 11:25 am
    .....(-.-)I thought I already covered the first part of your paragraph lol. My sentence of “Its just a part of daily life entertainment” pretty much summarise it. That sentence literally means that it�... Luca

    we agree that we disagree so there is no point for further discussion :') but im gonna say one last thing, its not a "social skill" when u r pointing out the negatives of another person. there is a difference between talking about others and gossiping. for example, if i say that "person A got divorced due to problem A" its not gossip, but if i say "person A got divorced due to problem A and i believe that person A is the reason for the divorce since she does example1, example2, example3" thats when u start to gossip (assuming things about the other person without knowing).

    Psycho May 28, 2019 2:35 pm Lol stop being so negative about gossips Luca

    dude i study psychology.

    Psycho May 28, 2019 2:37 pm
    dude i study psychology. Psycho

    i know the pros and cons

    Mayumi May 28, 2019 3:08 pm

    Person A: I study Psychology
    Person B: I know the pros and cons

    Who do y'all think would win lmao

    Luca May 28, 2019 3:10 pm
    i know the pros and cons Psycho

    Yes yes, you conveniently and suddenly study psychology and knows the pros and cons. Let me know if you studied proctology next time. And like I said, gossips have different aspects. Gossip is mainly a casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true. And to me, it is a social skill. You could get closer to people when you talk gossips that are interesting and attention-grabbing to them and further spread your influence on people, making them think of you as an easy-going person and easy to talk with. Everyone would wanna include someone who brings spicy stuff and humor into conversations. That’s pretty much one of the positive sides to it. I don’t know what gossips you’ve participated in that makes you so negative about it but the gossips I’ve participated in is pretty mild and fun. No things like “She is such a slut” “She slept with three people” kinda gossips. Sometimes I participate in gossips online like in Youtube with the Tati and James Charles drama, also the Paul Brothers. It’s pretty much just for the TEA, not even on anyone’s sides. And yea, we do have different opinions.

    Zero May 28, 2019 4:19 pm
    Person A: I study PsychologyPerson B: I know the pros and consWho do y'all think would win lmao Mayumi

    Isn’t the same person talking about that two things lol

    Zero May 28, 2019 4:29 pm
    Isn’t the same person talking about that two things lol Zero

    But I totally don’t get what’s the importance of arguing about gossips lmao. It’s just gossip, nothing to make a fuss or think too deep about. You’re not Isaac Newton lol.

    Luca May 28, 2019 4:35 pm
    But I totally don’t get what’s the importance of arguing about gossips lmao. It’s just gossip, nothing to make a fuss or think too deep about. You’re not Isaac Newton lol. Zero

    It’s to lengthen the stupid discussion. I find joy in this convo especially when someone just suddenly brings something from reality like suddenly saying that he/she is a proctologist who studies the structure of rectum and how people like to shit.

    Zero May 28, 2019 4:46 pm
    It’s to lengthen the stupid discussion. I find joy in this convo especially when someone just suddenly brings something from reality like suddenly saying that he/she is a proctologist who studies the structur... Luca

    That’s one strange hobby