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This frustrates me...

CrimsonSeeker May 24, 2019 8:27 am

The villains at the first part of these kinds of stories are usually the most annoying.
They think they are all high and mighty because they have the background and connections, and they would do whatever they wanted with anyone. However, when they are shown that they don't amount much, and that the person they scorned, condemned or thrown away achieved greater things, they are ready to grovel and flatter them as if they hadn't one anything to the MCs in the past.
These are the types of people you shouldn't trust =_= Bloody hypocrites...
That's why it greatly satisfies me when the MC would slap their faces with their abilities, achievements and new skills. The face slapping are the most satisfying moments to read, like "YEAH! SOCK THAT SON OF B*TCH IN THE GUT!" or just strip them of their pride and face.

    june May 29, 2019 2:02 pm

    lmao thats actually the reason why i like these kind of stories