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anyone else ashamed you know most of these yaoi mangas??

Manhwa707 May 21, 2019 5:07 am

At what point to we accept that we are a full on fujoshi and can never escape this place?? XD I'm being serious, I want a bf but 2D boys are holding me back ;///;

    Kaleidocat May 21, 2019 6:55 am

    I shouldn't reply seeing as I'm single and never really had much experience with love, but I feel like when you find the guy you like, you'll know haha.
    I've also decided to think this:
    You might be happy now just enjoying 2D boys, but there will come a time in your life where after reading and rereading yaoi and hugging your huggable boy pillows and gazing at your OTPs, you'll start to feel the slight symptoms of loneliness.
    After reading about two people in love in yaoi, there comes a time when you'll also secretly want someone cool and quirky like one of the characters you read and start to want companionship and someone you want to share your passion with. My suggestion is, to go outside and explore the world and new things. You will realize that you are your own character just like one in a shoujo/yaoi/etc and you will have more opportunity to realize that there are so many kinds of guys out there that are amazing just like the characters you read about. After all, sometimes in some yaoi mangas the guy pairings don't always get along at first, or they don't feel anything for each other, but gradually they start to grow on each other. The same thing might happen to you! You might be happy now just gazing at 2D guys, but sooner or later, you'll realize you'll be a little older and in your thirties and wish you had more opportunity to go guy hunting when you had the chance before. (Im 24 btw)

    sj7773 May 21, 2019 6:55 am

    see now thats where you draw the line, those 2d bois arent REAL and you wont get anything close to them irl, as you grow up you also start to understand that most of the yaoi storylines are pretty fucked up too (but im still into it T-T my only getaway from real life) and im sure your eyes will slowly open, pick up more hobbies thats my only advice
    i was straight up ADDICTED to yaoi when i was 13-16, but now im 18 and only check updates all at once like twice a week because i found more important things and stuff to do in life
    dont give up! its just a matter of time before you start to realize stuff ^^

    Liz May 21, 2019 7:32 am
    see now thats where you draw the line, those 2d bois arent REAL and you wont get anything close to them irl, as you grow up you also start to understand that most of the yaoi storylines are pretty fucked up too... sj7773

    I second this