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For BTS because you cant take what you dishout

Jazzi May 21, 2019 12:06 am

Anybody besides BTS stole yo jams can just scroll past this. It’s really only meant for them.

Since you so kindly blocked me from replying to your post, continued to call me an idiot over an opinion repeatedly and can’t handle when somebody gives you the same treatment you have given them I decided I would Respond to your reply on my own post.

My original reply:

How is an opinion false information? I think you are confusing fact from opinion, you need to brush up on your english. I’m starting to wonder if you just can’t read and that’s why you aren’t sending me a rebuttal. You just keep on saying the same thing expecting different results. It no wonder your post has 5 dislikes, you can’t even keep a calm conversation. You’re all like “Tell me what I want to hear and if you don’t I’m going to put you on blast.” F’ing uneducated thought process right there. Go to school dude maybe they’ll teach you a thing or two about conversation skills; take a speech class as well as a writing class.

What I would also like to include:

Next time pick your battles more wisely, stop harrassing people because they don’t agree with you and learn to have a calm conversation. Treat people with respect and they will return it, however if you act like a little shit head and try to talk big without backing it up you’ll end up in the recieving end not able to counter a legit argument. Don’t act like a child that blocks people when you don’t get your way cause You’ll come across people like me who are not going to just sit back and take it from somebody that can’t even give a proper reply without including a cuss word or trying to put them down. Lack of respect for others and your ego will be your downfall if you don’t get yourself together.

    Jazzi May 21, 2019 1:37 am
    No. YuzukiMikage

    Lmao that was pretty funny actually. Thanks for that video.

    On a side note I’m surprised I got positive remarks for my post. I was seriously prepared for backlash on my comment by people that didn’t agree or just wanted to pick a fight. thank you and everybody else for not arguing about my feelings towards the situation.

    YuzukiMikage May 21, 2019 5:42 am
    Lmao that was pretty funny actually. Thanks for that video. On a side note I’m surprised I got positive remarks for my post. I was seriously prepared for backlash on my comment by people that didn’t agree o... Jazzi

    Nah fam,
    BTS sometimes tends to be aggresive with their replies and comments so I can understand that. They're sometimes cool. But their inner ego sometimes show up and I can't really know if he's being serious, or he's trolling again.

    OhUniverse May 21, 2019 6:02 am

    That was good.

    Jazzi May 21, 2019 6:08 am
    Nah fam, BTS sometimes tends to be aggresive with their replies and comments so I can understand that. They're sometimes cool. But their inner ego sometimes show up and I can't really know if he's being serious... YuzukiMikage

    I feel you. Whether they’re being serious or not I’m not sure as well. However my feelings behind the situation pretty much consisted of them blocking me so that they could have the last say, trying to make me look like a fool by not being able to reply. Maybe that’s my own ego getting to me, maybe I should have let it go but I think that at least a bit of my statement rung true. If so I apologize, I probably should have just stepped back for a bit longer and not have included my feelings as much. Because at the end of the day the only people that change are the ones that want to not the ones that are told to.

    Honestly I don’t dislike them, they tend to be a bit random at times but that’s who they are. Hopefully in the future we can grow to live in the same space. Until then I wish them happiness and peace. Also thank you for listening YuzukiMikage.

    YuzukiMikage May 21, 2019 8:42 am
    I feel you. Whether they’re being serious or not I’m not sure as well. However my feelings behind the situation pretty much consisted of them blocking me so that they could have the last say, trying to mak... Jazzi

    Next time, just don't take it too personal when you know that the person you're trying to win an argument with is someone who you clearly know is destructive, ignorant to people's feelings and shallow on the internet.

    People's personality change when they're in the internet. BTS may be a great guy irl, but as for as we know of him. He's a bit of an asshole here.

    Have a nice day man :)