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It was okay. My main issue is that this kind of plot/storyline needs a lot more than a sin...

SayerSong May 20, 2019 4:05 am

It was okay. My main issue is that this kind of plot/storyline needs a lot more than a single 26 page chapter if it is to really be told right. As is, it is nothing more than a bit of exposition and narration. Sad, because if it was flushed out more, I think I really would have liked it. Though probably would hate the dad, since he refuses to accept his adult son is gay. If he had only insisted on the hands off his son until the son is an adult and/or out of high school and THEN the couple can decide if they still want to be together, I could have agreed with him.

    reddeadandangry June 9, 2024 7:25 pm

    Grooming a student is awful, no matter the sexuality and it's not improved by waiting until they're legal, the damage has been done. But I wouldn't care that my son is gay or disown him for being manipulated.