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So I’m back again with more problems :D my friend said she had something to say over ig ...

ThotBeGone May 6, 2019 10:47 pm

So I’m back again with more problems :D my friend said she had something to say over ig but said nvm cuz she thought I’d get annoyed. I told her to just tell me and it goes like that back and forth for a while and she finally says “fine but promise not to hate me” and I say yeah ok. She goes on about how she started cutting herself last week. I ask her over and over “why” “who said we didn’t care” “there’s so many of us that care for you” etc etc. then she gets all mad and starts saying things like “why would you care” “I’ve had so many fake friends” “why would you be any different” this pissed me off. I go on to explain that people I know also used to cut themselves and it makes me worry over and over. (Continued, just need more spaceeee)

    ThotBeGone May 6, 2019 10:53 pm

    I go on to explain and she suddenly says “see, this is why I didn’t want to tell you” and such. I go on and apologize because I might’ve done something wrong because I’m often really insensitive and make things worse without knowing. Then she keeps on saying ‘stop it you always blame yourself’ and well, I can’t help it, I’m often blamed for things, what can I do for it? It’s a habit I can’t stop because of my past. She just can’t get that around her head that I have problems too. I make my problems into jokes for my own comfort. It’s uncomfortable to see them laugh but at least it made them feel better, right? I’ve lived in a household where it’s fucking negative, not as much as others, but enough to take a toll on my thinking. I told her that I’ll just take a breather and log off for a while since I couldn’t think straight. I just need honest opinions if I was being insensitive. I know it myself that I’m often insensitive to others and I just really need ways to fix it. If I can.

    GoldenScale May 6, 2019 11:52 pm
    I go on to explain and she suddenly says “see, this is why I didn’t want to tell you” and such. I go on and apologize because I might’ve done something wrong because I’m often really insensitive and m... ThotBeGone

    I don't think you were insensitive, but I think you didn't understand what she wanted you to tell her. I'm not too sure either what she wanted to hear, though.

    I think you should tell her that she surprised you and that you don't hate her for cutting herself. And if she needs to talk to someone you don't mind listening to her.

    (And if she asks you why you should care about her, just tell her that it's because you want to. You don't have to justify yourself.)

    I'm no expert but I think people who try to open up to someone don't really need that person's opinion and just want someone to hear them, so try not to give any opinion unless they ask you.