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I am so confused. Please, someone give me some context 😂 a link whatever only thing I r...

Adeladie May 4, 2019 1:00 pm

I am so confused. Please, someone give me some context a link whatever only thing I really found is an older anime

    Digiwolf May 14, 2019 7:48 am

    This is a manga spinoff of the new anime called Sarazanmai.

    Be warned, it can get pretty weird.

    fluffy_magnus June 9, 2019 11:47 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! AnimeLaLaLover

    Its really worth watching and reading!

    Rex June 14, 2019 5:53 am
    Its really worth watching and reading! fluffy_magnus

    I've only watched the first episode but many people are talking about the anime these days, the first episode is pretty weird, should I continue??

    fluffy_magnus June 14, 2019 7:35 am
    I've only watched the first episode but many people are talking about the anime these days, the first episode is pretty weird, should I continue?? Rex

    Yes please continue