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Why is everyone so happy about the kid?

XionVal April 29, 2019 3:40 am

That kind of behavior isn't cute, it's actually extremely inappropriate and if anyone saw that teacher acting that way with a student they would probably question the teacher about the relationship or even fire him. Even in a manga that is wrong, and the teacher allowing it simply because he would hurt the kid's feelings is stupid and would likely hurt him later anyway when the truth comes out.

    Jeon tokkie May 22, 2019 2:27 pm

    Bcz its a kindergarten kid, everyone smooches lil kids there is no romantic or sexual meaning behind it ( if they r not a pedophile lol) so nobody minds

    eldian June 5, 2019 11:57 pm

    why did you took it so seriously? everyone had someone who they admired or thought that they crushed when they were kids. its nothing serious, teacher didn't took him serious either AND they almost even became father and son there is nothing wrong with the way they kiss if if its not has a sexual meaning behind it -and OBVIUOSLY its not lmao-