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There’s this bitch...

AA Bear April 25, 2019 1:04 am

So, there’s this bitch I know. She’s a jerk to everyone. She spreads rumours about guys dating her when they’re not, cheats off of tests, she’s a thot, bullies, ect. Well, she was sitting behind us with a table full of boys. The boys told her to leave a she wouldn’t. So, my friend told her to leave and she said, “ that’s just because you like - my friends crush who was sitting at the table- “. My friend got so embarrassed. Well, the point is that I’m pissed and I’m prepared to murder. What should I do?

    Tiffany April 25, 2019 1:31 am

    Well, first, calm down. I don't think it's worth debunking a person like that. It's true that she is a bitch and I understand that you feel very angry to the point of committing a murder. But is it worth to get soiled by such a person? She's already disgraced. Nobody likes her, she's boring, she always needs to bother someone to have attention. In relation to your friend, I think it's normal to be embarrassed when you have that kind of statement in front of the crush ... But the crush may have thought the bitch was trying to get attention and didn't even care. Or, suddenly, the crush also likes your friend. Everything will work out.

    Rhaat April 25, 2019 2:19 am

    I bet she's the type of person who posts ''If I'm mean to you it means I like you''

    Hate these kind of people to the core.

    Rhaat April 25, 2019 2:19 am
    I bet she's the type of person who posts ''If I'm mean to you it means I like you'' Hate these kind of people to the core. Rhaat

    and yes murder is the most preferable option.

    CHOI YENA'S DUCK FACE April 25, 2019 4:07 am

    My group of friend kicked this girl out of our group because she was a plastic fake ass bitch. She called use fake and said that she was using me before getting kicked out. Haha she deserves it, but anyway just make sure to stand up for people.