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An actually serious question for once:

Satan™ April 21, 2019 8:23 pm

DISCLAIMER: This is purely opinion based and serious answers would be appreciated. Feel free to go in depth however much you like and I will try to respond to everyone.

QUESTION: What do you, as a person, honestly think that the meaning of life is? Why do you think we were put on this world?

    Satan April 21, 2019 8:34 pm

    Personally, I think there is no set meaning. Rather, it is ours to create.

    Shotaro April 21, 2019 8:43 pm
    Personally, I think there is no set meaning. Rather, it is ours to create. Satan

    I agree with this

    Loona April 21, 2019 8:59 pm
    Personally, I think there is no set meaning. Rather, it is ours to create. Satan

    Totally agree, humans have the habit and the necessity to find meaning in everything. Not everything has a reason, not everything needs a why above it.

    Satan™ April 21, 2019 9:16 pm
    Personally, I think there is no set meaning. Rather, it is ours to create. Satan

    Very optimistic of you

    Satan™ April 21, 2019 9:17 pm
    Very optimistic of you Satan™

    I also realize this sounds sarcastic but I don't mean for that to be the case. My bad

    idk what to call myself April 21, 2019 9:18 pm

    No meaning, we are here by coincidence, we are definitely not put here for a reason, I mean we destroy habitats, pollute the air, we fucked up the weather, inbred dogs to a point of no return, created a literal trash island, disturb other species, destroy the amazing thing the rainforest used to be, make species go extinct, 10 species are destroyed in the rainforest every day that's a ridiculous number that's 70 in a week and 300 in a month
    not only do we destroy what's not ours but also ourselves, drugs, war, slavery, human trafficking, rape, murder, even petty crimes like theft, we are nasty to each other and lack the compassion needed to not kill a spider that's minding it's own damn business
    we have people who are essentially still children commit suicide because some parents didn't bother to teach their children morals and not to bully
    we are a disgusting species over all, the good that we do doesn't out weight the bad, the animal kingdom's population has decreased by like 70% or something like that because of us
    we are just another species of animal, we aren't special and weren't given a specific reason to exist, we are just here living, doing whatever we want, we take more than we deserve, we eat more than we need, it's ok to take from mother nature as long as we only take the essentials then we give it back when we die through the carbon cycle unless we decide that we wanna cremated or whatever then we don't give back because we are just selfish animals following our desires
    conclusion: human's are too shitty to have a meaning to life, we just do what we want until we die

    Semplice April 21, 2019 9:32 pm
    No meaning, we are here by coincidence, we are definitely not put here for a reason, I mean we destroy habitats, pollute the air, we fucked up the weather, inbred dogs to a point of no return, created a literal... idk what to call myself

    yup yup

    butipromiseihavehappypaws April 21, 2019 9:49 pm

    3:18 AM SELF: *jittering robotic movements* MUST-REPLY-TOMORROW.

    ChrystalPhoenix April 21, 2019 10:52 pm

    I strongly believe that a person's actions are all in order to find happiness. Along with that you will most certainly face some difficult times so that you realise it's worth

    ChrystalPhoenix April 21, 2019 10:55 pm
    I strongly believe that a person's actions are all in order to find happiness. Along with that you will most certainly face some difficult times so that you realise it's worth ChrystalPhoenix

    And a tip that i learned via experience is that there is so much more joy in simple and small things. Not only in extravagant and excessive things as they have made us believe

    Satan™ April 22, 2019 4:14 am
    No meaning, we are here by coincidence, we are definitely not put here for a reason, I mean we destroy habitats, pollute the air, we fucked up the weather, inbred dogs to a point of no return, created a literal... idk what to call myself

    Wow, I couldn't agree more

    Satan™ April 22, 2019 4:15 am
    3:18 AM SELF: *jittering robotic movements* MUST-REPLY-TOMORROW. butipromiseihavehappypaws

    I'll look forward to it

    Satan™ April 22, 2019 4:16 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Yeah, all of these are opinion based. And that's a rather simple, but nice way of thinking about it.

    Satan™ April 22, 2019 4:17 am
    I strongly believe that a person's actions are all in order to find happiness. Along with that you will most certainly face some difficult times so that you realise it's worth ChrystalPhoenix

    Is it okay if I pose a question then? And just as a disclaimer, I'm not trying to make you feel bad or awkward in any way. But if one's mission is to find Happiness, then does that mean committing suicide is justifiable?

    Satan™ April 22, 2019 4:17 am
    And a tip that i learned via experience is that there is so much more joy in simple and small things. Not only in extravagant and excessive things as they have made us believe ChrystalPhoenix

    For sure.

    ChrystalPhoenix April 22, 2019 7:31 am
    Is it okay if I pose a question then? And just as a disclaimer, I'm not trying to make you feel bad or awkward in any way. But if one's mission is to find Happiness, then does that mean committing suicide is ju... Satan™

    But I don't think that it offers you any kind of satisfaction much less happiness. A friend of mine tried to commit suicide by overdosing on painkillers and likely failed. When she was telling me that ,which was two years after, she was really glad that she failed because,like in most cases i think , it's a decision based on some very dark emotions that begin to take hold of you. And surely there are cases where you have messed up really bad and it seems like it's the only way out and it's that moment that you have to face the consequences of your actions. (This is another belief of mine that you have to face the results of your actions)

    Satan™ April 23, 2019 4:04 am
    But I don't think that it offers you any kind of satisfaction much less happiness. A friend of mine tried to commit suicide by overdosing on painkillers and likely failed. When she was telling me that ,which wa... ChrystalPhoenix

    Interesting. I definitely agree with the whole, facing your actions bit