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Goodevening . its my third time asking this question . Im really sorry for being persisten...

Rei April 15, 2019 12:00 pm

Goodevening . its my third time asking this question . Im really sorry for being persistent but i really want to know this manga that i read long before. Its about a teacher (uke) that likes this one student thats cute and he always go to this vacant room in the school to get a view to see his crush . And this other guy(seme) saw him and the seme likes the uke and he kidnapped him and kept him locked up to his apartment . Im sorry thats all i remember . My english is kinda bad so please dont mond my grammar but please i really want to read it again . I dont know if its already completed i just remeber its ongoing then when im reading it . Thanks so much

    Shizuka April 15, 2019 12:15 pm

    Is it maybe 'if you hate me that much'? (although it's a manhwa) I'm sorry I don't think I know the one you're looking for T-T

    TheyKilledAlice April 15, 2019 12:40 pm

    It sounds like 'Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Hayasugiru ' (god it took me so long to find that inn my bookmarks, I don't rlly use tags' xd)

    TheyKilledAlice April 15, 2019 4:47 pm
    It sounds like 'Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Hayasugiru ' (god it took me so long to find that inn my bookmarks, I don't rlly use tags' xd) TheyKilledAlice

    Rei April 16, 2019 4:57 am TheyKilledAlice

    Whoaa thanks so much , and its still ongoing hehe . Thanks for the help

    Rei April 16, 2019 4:59 am
    Is it maybe 'if you hate me that much'? (although it's a manhwa) I'm sorry I don't think I know the one you're looking for T-T Shizuka

    thanks for the relpy. The comment below is the right manga hehe