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OK, I try to understand every character perspective, but with the main character I CAN'T ...

Haru-Nikiforov April 11, 2019 10:03 pm

OK, I try to understand every character perspective, but with the main character I CAN'T ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I accept that not everyone has to think or feel the same way, I mean, when he heard dad's biological son saying he couldn't believe protagnist's situation; but, really? Did you have to ruin a person who really LOVED you? I don't mean love in a sexual way, just love.

I really don't understand you. Ok, you could see him being bullied, but at some point didn't you ask yourself: do this little boy, my classmate, and the only friend I had deserve what I have done?

Protagonist did a lot of bad decissions, but dad's biological son friends also did. You see your friend in need and you only say: sorry, I can't or I maybe next time? WTF i with you!

It reallly hit me when dad'd biological son said: Are you here to help me?
He was so innocent... Still, protagonist KILLED him, he pushed him into the fire. WHAT TYPE OF PERSON DOES THIS? ARE YOU EVEN A PERSON?

Not he only murdered an innocent guy, brcause you know, you father is an asshole and well, I wouldn't mind if you kill him, but the only person who cared about you?

And he didn't only do this, he didn't give his time to a student with problems.

If you are in love with you dad, ok, but don't ruin the lifes of the rest.


Sorry for the people who don't think the same
