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As much as it is a happy ending, it still leaves a sour taste since it does feel slightly ...

Season December 9, 2013 5:10 am

As much as it is a happy ending, it still leaves a sour taste since it does feel slightly incomplete. I wish the author explored more on their resolve. Interestingly, I am in favor of Takkaki and Shinkawa in terms of pairings. I do sympathizes with Kenzaki but I just like Takkaki more. I wish the ending would expose why Takkaki got stabbed which would allow Shinkawa understands he means quite a bit to Takkaki.

    Anonymous August 18, 2015 10:17 pm

    I believe thet guy who stabbed Takaaki was a guy who Takaaki had slept with when he was on self destruct mode. On that note, Takaaki: If you are going to go and hurt yourself try not to hurt other people in the process. It is terribly inconsiderate and egocentric plus it breeds bad karma.