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hello dear translator!!! first of all really thank you for translating this cute manga!! I...

suneha April 1, 2019 2:04 pm

hello dear translator!!! first of all really thank you for translating this cute manga!! I'm nit sure if you check the comments here or not but i think oyato's name would be ayato?? i was just checking yoriko-sensei's twitter and saw them writing ayato

    Xxx April 1, 2019 6:09 pm

    Holy shit you’re right!! Wtf is wrong with me!? I’ll fix in the next chapter thank you and sorry for being a dumb dumb

    Xxx April 1, 2019 6:31 pm
    Holy shit you’re right!! Wtf is wrong with me!? I’ll fix in the next chapter thank you and sorry for being a dumb dumb Xxx

    On the original it’s teeeeny tiny furigana next to the kanji when his name first appears. I read a tiny あ as お

    Xxx April 1, 2019 6:35 pm
    On the original it’s teeeeny tiny furigana next to the kanji when his name first appears. I read a tiny あ as お Xxx

    Weird my message got cut off...I added that I should have double checked the kanji and hopefully I never make this mistake again out of horrified embarrassment

    suneha April 1, 2019 7:07 pm

    sfagshdhdjgnjh it's no big deal honestly i always mistake あand お myself lol in fact i didn't even notice it until the author wrote his name in english in one art!! so pls dont feel embarrassed at all i am VERY VERY grateful that you're translating this *hugs*