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I know it's fiction but in reality it would be the other way around, an ovum can be produc...

Turtleboy March 31, 2019 12:26 pm

I know it's fiction but in reality it would be the other way around, an ovum can be produced using the skin cells of males. Obviously I'm not saying that women are useless and that this is practised anywhere or that it even works well with our current means. This is just meant as as "here is a random fact you might not know".

    Nemaki March 31, 2019 1:03 pm

    Hum no, both ovum and sperm can be produced by skin cells. It's just that females skin don't have chromosom Y so they can't produce sperm from their skin, just ovum. Maybe that was what you meant but I wasn't sure so just saying.

    Turtleboy April 1, 2019 12:00 pm
    Hum no, both ovum and sperm can be produced by skin cells. It's just that females skin don't have chromosom Y so they can't produce sperm from their skin, just ovum. Maybe that was what you meant but I wasn't s... Nemaki

    Thanks for clarifying, I didn't know that sperm cells can be created by male skin cells, but I knew that it definitely can't be done by female skin cells.