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Moolight Shadow March 31, 2019 3:13 am

Just...Why! I could have lived my life not knowing this feeling I feel right now..... ╥﹏╥

    Mar March 31, 2019 8:42 am

    This was me after I red Oedipus Rex [Greek play]. I feel like all the especially extreme rapey, incest yaoi are partly a transformation of all the f*ed up Greek stories from the past.
    Oedipus Rex: A royal couple are warned their child after being born would one day kill his father and soil his mother's bed... The couple tries to get rid of the baby, but as the baby gets passed around a bit, it ends up in a neighboring country and a couple that couldn't conceive take him in. When the baby is all grown up, He visits the shrie of Apollo and hears whispers warning that he'd kill his father and sully his mother's bed. Thinking of the only parents he knew, his foster parents who hadn't told him how they got him yet, he decided to run away. As he entered the neighboring country (going back to the one he was born in) he encountered a royal carriage. A man of the whole entrauge offended him somehow, so he killed everyone there, including his biological father (he didn't know yet). Then later he took over a region/city and married the widow of the man he had killed, who was his mother but he didn't know. They had 2-3 children if I remember correctly. Along the story, he eventually finds it all out and snaps after going to see his mother who'd by then hung herself in a bedroom. He couldn't take the otrocities he committed: parricide and sullying his mother, so he gouged his eyes out to not be allowed to see the world which he shouldn't have been born into and because he no longer could look at himself. He wished to be abandoned and left back in the vacant landscape where they tried to get rid if him after being born. Oedipus Rex = Swollen foot, his feet had swollen as a baby from being chained when the father tried leaving him in the middle of nowhere. His foster parents named him after his swollen feet apparently.