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Omfg I don't care how much they hate each other's guts but I SHIP RYU GARIM WITH ARAH YASS...

Tezu March 27, 2019 6:13 pm

Omfg I don't care how much they hate each other's guts but I SHIP RYU GARIM WITH ARAH YASS NO ONE TOUCHY TOUCHY DEM

And new ship, Surang x Heera. Muehe ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Gizzy March 27, 2019 11:30 pm

    Yeah I think that he also should be with her, but I wish that they had some romantic feelings for each other cause right now it just seems like he wants to beat her in sex. Anyways, He's SSOOO HOT OOF (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I hope they end up together as a couple >~<

    Qwerrz July 3, 2019 6:42 pm

    Unfortunately will never happen mate..that prince penis guy get all the goods..poor Ryu get the left over nithing more..its the dick who decide in this

    HazelSweet ^W^ July 4, 2019 3:38 am

    NUUUUU (/TДT)/