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onodera and raku had a lot of time to confess to each other. This anime from the first epi...

Karu March 24, 2019 5:33 am

onodera and raku had a lot of time to confess to each other. This anime from the first episode showed us that raku and chitoge gonna be the end couple. I love the development of their relationship, onodera is cute but she stayed the same but chitoge changed from hating raku to best friends to lovers. And the name of the anime is nisekoi it means "falls love" so its 100% chitoge and raku because they faked their relationship and it become reall. sorry about the bad english and i love onodera but i always was teem chitoge.

    msioblk September 28, 2020 6:54 pm

    Nisekoi means fake love not falls love