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There's a strong possibility that even if the demons are eradicated, they'll just come bac...

Eecha March 19, 2019 4:43 pm

There's a strong possibility that even if the demons are eradicated, they'll just come back. They were a form of bacteria, weren't they? The process will keep repeating itself once they develop that taste for human flesh again. It might be wise to end this conflict with both parties coexisting in peace. But for how, I have no clue. All I'm thinking about is how the possibility of newer demons to exist spontaneously can very much happen if that's how they appeared long ago. Or maybe with the modern tech of 2046, they can find a way to erase their existence completely?

    Sheryl March 21, 2019 12:21 pm

    Didn't they mentioned that this way far in the future? That this situation is going on for hundreds of years already?
    Also we don't rly now anything yet about the actual technology and how the human society is or if they still exists.

    Eecha March 22, 2019 3:08 am

    That's true. But if history has taught us one thing, is that it repeats.

    coffeedrinker March 23, 2019 11:43 pm

    We also started out as something like bacteria. AFAIK it would cover the human’s asses for a few million-trillion years? Of course, assuming the genocide plan is 100% and goes well.