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naeshiro gets too much unnecessary hate. People need to remember that the reason she was ...

Anonymous March 16, 2019 9:37 pm

naeshiro gets too much unnecessary hate.

People need to remember that the reason she was against riku boxing was because he seemed like he didn't enjoy it, which is true at the start he used boxing to become strong because he was tired of being weak, a "loser". However now he uses it too protect those he cares about about and seemed to really start finding a sense of identity, which is when naeshiro really started to support his boxing.

Riku was brought up in an abusive home, violence and bloodshed was all he ever knew, he viewed boxing as a way of surviving life rather than a sport. But naeshiro wanted him to actually find happiness even though it was preferably with her, she never forced herself on him, she just checked up on him alot to check he was still okay and relativity safe.

Plus at the very beginning when he first came to the orphanage he was relativity happy, but then after the incident where criminals came after him and the social worker got attacked he changed, and started boxing properly straight after that. But naeshiro didnt know that the social worker was attacked so brutally infront of him, she didnt know the criminals were after him, so she thought the change he went through was because of boxing.

All naeshiro wanted was for riku to have a stable life because he never had a chance to experience it, so i personally dont understand why she gets so much hate.
