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NinNin March 13, 2019 6:56 pm

While I agree that what Hee soo did to Do jin and Hye sung was a dick move and he indeed does deserve punishment for that.

I don't understand why so many people think it was only his fault though.

Y'all forgot how Hye sung literally used his unborn child as a bargaining tool to get money from Do jin? and ya i know he was immature blah blah but seriously think, as a close friend that spectated that sort of scene, what would you think? I mean, imagine your closest male friend being interested in a girl like Hye sung's and doing the same shit he did when he was pregnant, being a bratty money sucker.

To me, it just seems like Hee soo he cares for Do jin and wants the best for him, which is to keep him away from the (then money sucking) hye sung.

But yes, what he did, did cause them a lot of distress, but you can't entirely fault him for doing such things, and look how miserable he is now.

I feel so bad for him and sincerely hope for a smut scene in the next chapter! ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
