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is suhyeok being genuine?

luiles February 26, 2019 9:31 am

I’m not sure if anyone has read the raws yet but from what I’m reading in the replies it doesn’t look so good between suhyeok and Seunghee. To anyone that’s read the raws any kind soul would like to offer insight into their situation?

    lazyoneesama February 26, 2019 11:53 am

    well, yeah it doesn't look good BUT! I have some hope 'cause it feels like Suhyeok finally realised that he might lose Seunghee for that stupid question he asked, his face was really shocked, and if you compare it with how he handled the problem at the beginning of the chapter you can see that at first he just took it like it was a minor mistake, something that he just have to apologise quickly but for Seunghee it wasn't just a little thing, his face also gave some information, he had some light bags in his eyes, he shed some tears in the previous chapter. It wasn't minor for him and Suhyeok's flashbacks and face tells me he finally got it, so he has two choices: or he just accepts it and go or move his lazy ass and try to talk with Seunghee. I'm hoping for the latest choice though, I want them together

    queerhecate February 26, 2019 12:33 pm

    pls be mindful of speaking abt spoilers, not everyone wants to see them. a little warning would be nice
    and yes suhyeok has genuine feelings for him it's just a matter of time till he clears up this misunderstanding with seunghee, the boy suffered enough

    queerhecate February 26, 2019 12:39 pm
    pls be mindful of speaking abt spoilers, not everyone wants to see them. a little warning would be nice............... and yes suhyeok has genuine feelings for him it's just a matter of time till he clears up t... queerhecate

    welp i sound condescending, i'm sorry for policing... but ppl been talking abt the raws so much and if i am someone who hates seeing spoilers i'd flip. but basically i agree with lazyoneesama, suhyeok likes him but certain circumstances been making things go sour and while the author has some problems continuing the manhwa currently, i hope we'll get to see the actual happy conclusion later. aint no happy ending without some drama right

    lazyoneesama February 26, 2019 3:53 pm
    welp i sound condescending, i'm sorry for policing... but ppl been talking abt the raws so much and if i am someone who hates seeing spoilers i'd flip. but basically i agree with lazyoneesama, suhyeok likes him... queerhecate

    hey, you're absolutely right, It's safe to say that was pretty much my second post in this site so yeah, I just felt like I needed to reply asap and didn't check, sorry for that. I believe there's no way to edit it, so I might delete it and post it again with spoilers. :)

    lazyoneesama February 26, 2019 4:00 pm
    hey, you're absolutely right, It's safe to say that was pretty much my second post in this site so yeah, I just felt like I needed to reply asap and didn't check, sorry for that. I believe there's no way to edi... lazyoneesama

    oh no you can't even delete the posts you write, I just realised it!!, well, I'll be extra careful then. I'm really sorry.

    MrsHatake February 27, 2019 4:02 am
    well, yeah it doesn't look good BUT! I have some hope 'cause it feels like Suhyeok finally realised that he might lose Seunghee for that stupid question he asked, his face was really shocked, and if you compare... lazyoneesama

    Just add ...... like queerhecate did or wrote spoiler ahead or something next time. You did not really spoil too much.

    Cah you tell me what was the question that lead them to misunderstandimg? Went through the raws but i dont understand anything xD.

    blue sky lust February 27, 2019 7:49 pm
    oh no you can't even delete the posts you write, I just realised it!!, well, I'll be extra careful then. I'm really sorry. lazyoneesama

    why are you sorry? you answered a question about the question itself is the warning about content of answers :)

    LovelyEndorsement February 27, 2019 8:42 pm
    Just add ...... like queerhecate did or wrote spoiler ahead or something next time. You did not really spoil too much. Cah you tell me what was the question that lead them to misunderstandimg? Went through the ... MrsHatake

    Right! Im also confused because i went through the latest raws and tried translating them, turns out things aren’t going right between them but idk why skskks