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69.5 Mistranslation

daisyintherain February 20, 2019 4:37 am

I've read the raws. And perhaps a legit Chinese speaker can correct me on this, but I think in the raws, when Yuyang's father gave Li Huan the red envelope and Huan's father said "Isn't this too big?" (as in complains that Yuyang's father shouldn't give Huan so much money), Yuyang's father responded "Don't be so polite. I'm giving it to my own son." (The exact translation is "There's no need (for you) to be so polite when one is giving money to his own son"). Li Huan then replies "Thank you, DAD." (and not "sir" like in the translation uploaded).

Again, maybe there are subtleties that I missed. Perhaps calling your significant other's father "dad" just means "sir" in some cases? But Li Huan definitely used the character "dad" to address Yuyang's father.

    Cappy February 20, 2019 5:08 pm

    Hi! Thanks for pointing it out!
    I asked about those to a Chinese friend of mine, and the answer was, for the first topic, that a rough translation for Mr Yu's answer would be "Giving a red packet to one's own son is standing in ceremony", meaning more or less what you said, using a bit too much politeness that it would become out of place for a father and son, that are no strangers to each other. Zero_0_0 already pointed out a better translation for that -- I should fix those in the next few days.
    The second situation, when LiHuan calls Mr Yu "dad". Yeah, that's precisely right. A boyfriend/girlfriend might call their in-laws as dad or mom, same goes for closer relatives, like a brother/ sister... But for brother and sister, you don't really need to be in a romantic relationship with another person.... You can see some of those situations in other manhua, like 19 days.
    Those situations are a bit of a pain to translate. When I see that a situation might leave some doubts about who's the father and who's the son, for example, I tried to leave it more neutral, since I hate making those little translation notes under the pannels. But Zero_0_0 advised me to use a end-of-chapter Translation Note and leave our dear cinnamon roll calling Mr. Yu as "dad". Sounds nice, right?
    dat boy blu so cute~

    daisyintherain February 20, 2019 10:39 pm
    Hi! Thanks for pointing it out!I asked about those to a Chinese friend of mine, and the answer was, for the first topic, that a rough translation for Mr Yu's answer would be "Giving a red packet to one's own so... Cappy


    Are you the translator for the series? Thanks a lot for translating <3

    Thanks for making it clear. I just found it unfortunate that readers may not know LH call YY's dad "DAD." LIKE DUDE Y"ALL MARRIED OR SOMETHING?? But I see your point now! Cultural differences do make it hard to translate.