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the last update leaves so many questions open,like: . . . . . . . . . . does the Shin girl...

ohaaaaa February 17, 2019 1:57 am

the last update leaves so many questions open,like: .
does the Shin girl actually like Baek Teacher?! because she seemed happy when he congratulated her?! (I totally dont want her to end up with the teacher...she deserves better and I think there IS a valid reason as to why she treated Hana badly in HS, probably to protect her)

Has anyone thought that maybe the handsome part timer could be the stalker?! just think abt it, the stalker attacks started happening only recently, and the old dude owner might have the same place for many yrs now,but why did it start now and not many yrs ago? (stalkers and rapist come from young age so...)maybe it started when the part timer started working?

and honestly the three last panels of chapter 81 gave me the creeps...just how obsessed is that baek teacher psycho over the Shin sister?! He seems like some manipulative shit, some damned psycho, he gives me the chills and he seems lile someone who'd kill for his goals!
was that school dating rumor even tru? I am left confused. well that teachrr psycho can choke!

thank you for listening to my rambling haha
