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honeyjam February 13, 2019 6:27 pm

yes the art style IN the beggining looks abit mmm (no comment) but i found the artist and they said they drew the start of the story WHEN they were 13 so the beggining of the stories art looks like that but recent chapters show great improvment from her 13 year old style lol and that is her art now on the cover so NO YOU WEREN’T DECIEVED

    MissJenny February 13, 2019 7:46 pm

    REPOST THIS!!! I only realized this after reading your comment! Thank you for that!

    Personally for me, I would have redone the beginning to be at par with the later art, since a lot of people feel deceived or put off from the beginning art and leave people to think it's false advertising. The paneling in the beginning (though may need more elaboration for emotion to be conveyed better), and script isn't bad as well as the plot, so honestly the artist would have to rework it or at least provide a foreword perhaps letting people know that it was a story started by a 13 year old then matured over the years.

    If anything, it shows the mindset of a younger self vs an older one.

    But I also know as an artist and person who has many friends that work in comics (and I myself will probably follow lol) that first impressions "the pilot" are super important to make the reader want to read the story. I honestly thought the cover art was made by a different person, I felt cheated, I was excited and let down, then I skip ahead and see a whole different comic--one with a mid-post-nineties style with interesting characters and developed art. THAT'S what I wanted to see.

    Hopefully the artist will either put a foreword or rework the chapters to make the whole story full and realized, if she/he/they want to show how it looked before and after, I think it could be shown in an interview or afterword by the artist as a special showcase. Okay, rant over.