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i feel lonely

thetrapsbottom February 1, 2019 4:39 am

so, i have depression and tried to kill myself a lot of times since when i was 11 yo. when i entered high school, i started treating myself and got better, but now that its already over, i'm getting really depressed all over again.
i'm married and living with my husband, his brother and his mother. they are so nice to me, i cant kill myself and lay on their hands the bother to deal with my body... also, i probably wont be successful, and i dont have money to pay for the hospital and they cant pay for me either... so i just support everything and feel kinda trapped... idk if its kinda dumb
i'm going to college, but i dont want to go... i dont want to see people.... and my classes are gonna start again soon... i just dont want it... i just want to cry and die as soon as i can.
all my friends are busy studying and working, same with my husband... he stays with me for 2 hours and then sleep, and i stay wanting to die, to scream, to cry, alone... and theres no one to help me, or comfort me, because everyone is living and being a decent human being when im just... just here wanting to die.
so, im feeling really lonely but i dont want to bother my friends... i tried asking to my bf for help, for a little bit of attention, but... he slept anyway. so i end up cutting myself again. i dont want to live anymore.
i try to pretend im fine and happy to everyone all day, joking (but actually being serious) about wanting to die, but when the night comes i'm always feeling really lonely, regret everything i did on my life, and feels like cutting myself again or trying to die.
i just wanted to put it all out, sorry. (●'◡'●)ノ

    kuudere February 1, 2019 4:43 am

    Compartilhar histórias lava a alma: não guarda pra você não, linda!
    Você tem condição financeira pra procurar um psicólogo?

    RetroPangz February 1, 2019 5:23 am

    I understand how you feel, I'm also going through my own emotional turmoil and feel lost, lonely and sad...I've tried to kill myself once and failed...I don't want to put my love one through that again, so I suffer quietly and try to enjoy the little things in life and be grateful.But at this point I feel as though I'm just waiting to die.I know this'll probably sound hypocritical, but remember you are important and you do have people who care about you.Take one day at a time, cry if you have to...but know this to will pass

    Lovely Angel 15 February 1, 2019 5:52 am

    The first time I tried to kill myself was when I was 8. I have tried multiple times but failed. Never went to hospital because I already know how to treat most of the injuries.(If the blood loss was too much, I would just say I am sick and sleep through the whole day) So no one knows what I go through. I am not lonely. Instead, talking to people is what often gives me urges to kill myself. I don't hate people, I just dislike being around them. I think I am depressed, suicidal, introverted (more like antisocial) and get mild panic attacks in extremely crowded and open spaces. I just wanted to share my experience when I read your comment. Sorry.

    thetrapsbottom February 2, 2019 10:50 pm
    Compartilhar histórias lava a alma: não guarda pra você não, linda! Você tem condição financeira pra procurar um psicólogo? kuudere

    FHOHOH LINDA? eu sou homem, to~li~nho! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
    eu vou ao psiquiatra... obrigado por perder seu tempo lendo meu desabafo!

    thetrapsbottom February 2, 2019 10:53 pm
    FHOHOH LINDA? eu sou homem, to~li~nho! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~eu vou ao psiquiatra... obrigado por perder seu tempo lendo meu desabafo! thetrapsbottom

    ou tolinha, né... vai saber dhaohah

    thetrapsbottom February 2, 2019 10:55 pm
    I understand how you feel, I'm also going through my own emotional turmoil and feel lost, lonely and sad...I've tried to kill myself once and failed...I don't want to put my love one through that again, so I su... RetroPangz

    aw thank you... but i dont think this will pass, i'm feeling like that since i was really young and i still feel like it... even so, thank you, i will remember the rest.

    thetrapsbottom February 2, 2019 10:56 pm
    The first time I tried to kill myself was when I was 8. I have tried multiple times but failed. Never went to hospital because I already know how to treat most of the injuries.(If the blood loss was too much, I... Lovely Angel 15

    you knew how to treat your wounds with 8 yo? i admire you, i'm sorry for everything you are passing, thank you for reading and, i'm glad you put it all out here. take care. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ