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Dunno why so many negative comments about this artwork. It sure does not tackle the big is...

A-Closet-Fujoshi-Passing-By February 1, 2019 12:58 am

Dunno why so many negative comments about this artwork. It sure does not tackle the big issue of being step brothers. But hey, it's a great art, and the story is adorable and chill. It's purpose is to be light, not some heavy drama. Niina is so cute and adorable while Taki is just so in love with Niina. Niina just don't know how to handle his first and is embarassed. The conflict in the last chapter just tested how they really love each other. I love them.

    BrownFeather February 26, 2019 3:33 am

    I love them too! Plus, is being stepbrothers (in this case) really that big of a problem? They look almost fully grown (unless yaoi magic is decieiving me), so perhaps they’re too old to really see each other as stepbrothers after this recent marriage. I mean, Taki liked Nina before the marriage, and it’s not like they grew up together. I think the main unaddressed issue then is what the parents will think and if these two are comfortable revealing their relationship to them.

    A-Closet-Fujoshi-Passing-By March 1, 2019 1:03 am
    I love them too! Plus, is being stepbrothers (in this case) really that big of a problem? They look almost fully grown (unless yaoi magic is decieiving me), so perhaps they’re too old to really see each other... BrownFeather

    True (=・ω・=)