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Considering dropping out

Linszhz January 30, 2019 10:44 am

At this point I’m only watching this webtoon because I’m curious of what’s going to happen and wondering if it’s going to get any better, but I’m seriously thinking about dropping this out. It’s just sad because this was a great story until the artist Legna had to quit.
Now 90% of the panels you see Sanghee her expression is the same girl worried and scared look. You don’t even have an insight of the character anymore. They’ve all became so plain... it’s kinda depressing

    candyg January 31, 2019 1:41 pm

    I was wondering if the artist changed cause the art looked way different (I much prefer the old style) so thanks for confirming it for me

    Linszhz January 31, 2019 8:00 pm

    Yeah, it says I think when season 2 ends that she has to quit for health issues :(