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How is shotacon legal? It’s child pornaghraphy......

AA Bear January 22, 2019 3:46 am

How is shotacon legal? It’s child pornaghraphy......

    Amorim January 22, 2019 5:40 pm
    Try and argue with the law and see how it works out for you ╮( ̄.  ̄)╭ Link

    I'm not even going to go into the one about the u.k. as I know nothing of their laws however as you can see, loli and yaoi Manga were the cause for the arrest for the one refferring to the u.s. as we all know, there are legal ways to buy yaoi Manga and loli Manga as well as was stated in the article. I'm not sure how it was he was arested considering the article itself said that there are legal ways to obtain what he already had and yet he was still sentenced? Regardless, I may have been wrong on my last comment when I said of course it's legal and then proceeded to use yaoi Manga as an example because what we saw just now, stated that yaoi Manga was also part of the reason they were arrested. This should be a warning to all yaoi readers out there because ones that portray highschool students having sex could get you arrested for the same thing. I think thats wrong because as i stated above, you wont go out and find someone that now thinks its okay to rape highschool boys or that theyre somehow more desirable. I still stand by the fact that I believe it to be an infrigement of freedom of speech, that it is not linked to pedophilia, and that it's morality and ethics should not be brought under question unless you're going to question just about every other morally questionable kink out there.

    André January 22, 2019 6:38 pm
    It's definitely legal? Should we also ban yaoi because it's a disgusting portrayal of two highschool (UNDERAGE) homosexuals? Freedom of speech exists for a reason and I don't think if youre a boy who is... Idk ... Amorim

    Are you attack me because i condemn pedophilia and child pornography? i'm sorry if somehow i offended you it wasn't my intention! when i was 8 i caught a 30 year old man raping a 3 years old and she was screaming and fighting for her life and I know the damage that he made in her live until today, that was the worst, worst! moment of my life ...AND I'M GONNA REPEAT FOR ME IT'S DISGUSTING... in my beliefs is a disease, you see my cousin got pregnant at 13, and again at 18 and her first daughter got pregnant at 15 and my sister got pregnant at 17 and all their boyfriends baby father used to beat them pretty bady, my sister in law was raped at 16 and had a baby... it is not normal, they are not read, that's MY opinion, you desagree ok! i'm sure you have your reasons and although i don't agree i respect your opinions because that's how civilized people deal with one and other.

    - well i'm very sad that you think i was judging anyone in this plataform that wasn't my intention i made an abstract comment on the subject i saw in a post and it turn out to be something i really think is wrong and disgusting if people asking me, but i'm not gonna go on those type of manga on people comments saying that... for me that's not what this platform is for

    -and please do not use the tactics I'll point out what's wrong with him so that I can justify being rude and mean to him because he said something i desagree ... come on now if you have something to say to me in particulary, because of my comment that hurt your feelings and even try to make me understand your point of view there are other ways to say it, and we can even chat or something and you can even try to understand where i'm come from although i know my position in this theme not gonna change it dosen't mean i'm not gonna respect your opinion;

    -and about the mangas i read, particulary yaois sorry if you find them disgusting but then again you have every right to think that...EVERY RIGHT! like you said freedom of speech! and i myself don't understand it very well yet so (God i myself are still trying to figure it out) but i like read them... but i myself don't like child pornography and i think is wrong and the victm is well... childrem.

    katiefba January 22, 2019 7:05 pm
    So you mean to say im a pedophile and have a fetish too because I draw child pornography in 2D cause someone commissioned it for me?And if I draw yuri and yaoi that meant that im a homosexual.? You have a brain... YuzukiMikage

    no, i'm saying you shouldn't have to draw child porn in any scenario. if you agree to do a child porn commission for money, then you're going against all morals for MONEY.

    and yuri and yaoi are NOT the same thing. dont try to compare drawing literal child porn to weird porn genres. it's not the same thing. and yes, you can write gay/lesbian porn without being gay or lesbian. and SURE, maybe you can draw child porn without actually liking it, but what im saying is that thats WRONG. if you're willing to draw child porn because its 'in demand' then that's just as bad as drawing it because you like it. its gross.

    and yeah, if they draw child porn, it kind of IS their fault if someone jacks off to it. because theyre giving them material to jack off to in the first place.

    katiefba January 22, 2019 7:11 pm
    I'll agree it's not socially acceptable like watching rape porn, or animalistic porn, but keep in mind pedophiles don't actually read this ecause it's a far cry for real children and they're not interested. So ... Amorim

    ok honestly do you have ANY sort of proof that there isnt a direct link between shota/loli and attraction to real children? because barring you saying that you read loli/shota but dont feel attracted to kids, theres literally no way for you to say that there isn't a link.

    katiefba January 22, 2019 7:13 pm
    Are you attack me because i condemn pedophilia and child pornography? i'm sorry if somehow i offended you it wasn't my intention! when i was 8 i caught a 30 year old man raping a 3 years old and she was screami... André

    !!! fat agree !!

    katiefba January 22, 2019 7:20 pm
    It's definitely legal? Should we also ban yaoi because it's a disgusting portrayal of two highschool (UNDERAGE) homosexuals? Freedom of speech exists for a reason and I don't think if youre a boy who is... Idk ... Amorim

    first off, not all yaois are about underaged boys. and the ones that are should be banned too, since theyre just as disgusting.
    freedom of speech literally has NOTHING to do with this. like its an entirely different concept lmaoo. it protects your right to say things without the government preventing you, but it does NOT mean that people can draw child porn without facing repercussions.

    and are you just speaking out of your ass? because it is VERY likely that a 20 year old that feels sexual desires for fictional minors could end up raping an underaged boy.

    YuzukiMikage January 23, 2019 12:44 am
    no, i'm saying you shouldn't have to draw child porn in any scenario. if you agree to do a child porn commission for money, then you're going against all morals for MONEY.and yuri and yaoi are NOT the same thin... katiefba

    My morals? Lol if I'd ever had one. Its survival of the fittest. I gotta do something to buy some food ofc.

    And you are literally one of the ignorant guy I've ever seen because you practically think that im comparing the two. Im giving an example you bloody pig.

    Not everything's gonna go your way. You can't just "Hey my boss forced me to retype all the files and make a draft about our products info and is giving me more stress in work than usual, but im not gonna do it since I dont like how he's treating me"

    The world isnt perfect, they don't fucking give you normal porn that you fap to and exclude all of the other genres.

    Hell you're making a big deal out of loli and shota porn without even realising that there are much more disgusting things that are happening daily in japan. For example, chikans. Yet you people dont even fucking now the word.

    Hell alot of my friends who reads shota and loli porn are shut-ins or neets. They don't even care about real life children and even that, people.

    A person who is convicted in child molestation prefers more into realism than fictional (In the Deep or Dark web) since it lets them see more action.

    Hell even a child predator Antonio Mercar (Raped and killed a girl in the forest in the Ph) even said in an interview of an MMK film production that he always watches people who roleplays as children and grew to love and have sexual desires to children because they looked "frail" and had was always played with them in their neighbourhood.

    This is just another parody of when people said that video games makes you dumber and more violent

    YuzukiMikage January 23, 2019 12:45 am
    My morals? Lol if I'd ever had one. Its survival of the fittest. I gotta do something to buy some food ofc.And you are literally one of the ignorant guy I've ever seen because you practically think that im comp... YuzukiMikage

    Has always*

    katiefba January 23, 2019 1:04 am
    My morals? Lol if I'd ever had one. Its survival of the fittest. I gotta do something to buy some food ofc.And you are literally one of the ignorant guy I've ever seen because you practically think that im comp... YuzukiMikage

    not having morals isn't something to brag about. it just makes you sound really shitty. also, i'm an artist, and i get it, you do have to work to survive. but at the end of the day you shouldn't put money before morals. unless you're going to literally DIE, i don't think theres ever a reason to take a commission for child porn.

    also, your example was LITERALLY comparing the two things. it was comparing liking yaoi to being gay, and liking child porn to being a pedophile. also, the insults r really cute, and totally make ur argument better. keep them up ;)

    and thats just a few examples. so your friends who read loli and shota are shut ins? and that means the whole community is because it makes them completely harmless? hell no. theres no way you can speak for the entire lolicon/shotacon community with just that bases.

    and that's speaking out of your ass. how do you know what they prefer? i think its VERY likely that any amount of pedophiles could use loli/shota as material for their disgusting fetishes. because its of children, and they fucking like children.

    Darkenthat January 23, 2019 1:18 am

    How is lolicon legal

    Amorim January 23, 2019 5:50 am
    Are you attack me because i condemn pedophilia and child pornography? i'm sorry if somehow i offended you it wasn't my intention! when i was 8 i caught a 30 year old man raping a 3 years old and she was screami... André

    I probably took it too far calling it a personal offense. It just seems very unfair. It's such a negatively viewed genre when the way I (and everyone I've ever known who read it) sees it is that it's just like anything else. Furry porn may be questionable because you are involving an innocent party unable to give consent (an animal/creature) and yet no one believes they're going to go out and fuck a dog. I just.... I just don't get it. It's such a far cry from an actual child. If we were talking anything even remotely realistic I would even understand but.... I myself no longer read it because it was just a phase in my life. Those were the kind of drawings I personally preferred and I no longer do. Like I said I love children and the thought of anyone doing anything bad to children makes me sick. But these aren't children. They're not people. They're nothing like people. Even mature Manga characters are nothing like people and everyone is able to realize that. Would you say the victims in yaoi manga are gay men because of their portrayal? Or would you not give a shot because they're not real? I just will never be able to understand this train of thought how it in any way reflects on or affects children.

    Amorim January 23, 2019 5:53 am
    ok honestly do you have ANY sort of proof that there isnt a direct link between shota/loli and attraction to real children? because barring you saying that you read loli/shota but dont feel attracted to kids, t... katiefba

    Yes I have proof. The same way I have proof that butterflies aren't connected to child molestation. THE ABSENCE OF IT. If there is nothing to be found connecting two things, then they are connected.

    Amorim January 23, 2019 5:54 am
    Yes I have proof. The same way I have proof that butterflies aren't connected to child molestation. THE ABSENCE OF IT. If there is nothing to be found connecting two things, then they are connected. Amorim

    They are not connected*

    Amorim January 23, 2019 5:56 am
    first off, not all yaois are about underaged boys. and the ones that are should be banned too, since theyre just as disgusting.freedom of speech literally has NOTHING to do with this. like its an entirely diffe... katiefba

    You call them disgusting and you're over here preaching about your morals and yet a peek into your "read" history shows most of your yaois are about school boys! And they have sex! So take your hypocrisy elsewhere.

    Amorim January 23, 2019 6:10 am
    first off, not all yaois are about underaged boys. and the ones that are should be banned too, since theyre just as disgusting.freedom of speech literally has NOTHING to do with this. like its an entirely diffe... katiefba

    Oh god I didn't even see the last part. Look up the definition of freedom of speech. Look it up. Who do you think makes laws? The government maybe? And if they say hey you can't draw this type of art (and art is considered a form of speech) then they are taking away your freedom to speak through your art and therefore your speech. Also do you just say things withoit any basis whatsoever? The last paragraph says "VERY likely that a 20 year old" is going to do this and that if they read this and that. Based on what? The fact that you think so? That that's what your morals think so? Your logic? Tell you what. Go anywhere on this planet and make an argument with no facts to back you up and when they say "wow everything you've told me is horrifying how did you find out there is a link between this and this?!" And then feel free to go ahead and tell them "because I think so." "Because I think it's very likely" in fact send me an invite when to y do because I'd love to see them shut you down faster than you can blink. You've been a very irritating poster this entire time with your hypocrisy b.s. and you pushing your morals onto other people and telling them that "you should be willing to DIE before you draw something that I PERSONALLY find immoral" people won't think what you think. I sure as shit don't. There have been many people on this post who have said "hey. This is wrong, it does reflect on children, and it should be illegal" I disagree with them too. But they didn't shove their opinion down my throat and tell me that their way is the only way or else you're a disgrace of a human. I won't respond anymore if it's from you. Good day and I hope you go bother another thread

    katiefba January 23, 2019 7:15 am
    You call them disgusting and you're over here preaching about your morals and yet a peek into your "read" history shows most of your yaois are about school boys! And they have sex! So take your hypocrisy elsewh... Amorim

    where??? wtf??? which ones lmao