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I cant read any of this shit anymore. Arrogant, mentally retarded assholes running aroun...

Dookkatob January 21, 2019 12:46 pm

I cant read any of this shit anymore.

Arrogant, mentally retarded assholes running around doing bullshit-tons of nonsense training to attain some godhood, which is supposedly super hard, and STILL there are thousands stronger than them. Also everyone is called "trash", then some super secret moves that look like shit, have a shit name and in truth make no sense, and still the MC, with all his ridiculous personality is hailed as a hero? WTF.

    Mikazuchi-Kit January 29, 2019 3:40 pm

    not going to bash you for not liking this but 2 questions.

    how far have you read?


    why did you keep reading to that point if you didn't like this?


    Fujoshi Forever March 2, 2019 1:50 am