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my take on the characters

chibiyibi January 14, 2019 7:47 am

its better that she is growing to become stronger so theres more room for character development. theres ppl complaining about her not being a "strong independent woman." i think its more of an realistic approach that she tries get stronger and so shes still a bit helpless. her part of being "naive" and not standing up might not be pleasant to some ppl but in this story i dont mind. im hopeful for some development even though its a long way off, well that is if it doesn't go the same way as the light novel bc im not a fan of it.

btw some ppl rlly ship the blue haired x mc but im not into it. the girl from the other world should be with him bc honestly his personality wont change unless smth happens. the girl can make the prince fall in love and then he will be able to change for the better. the green haired dude or red haired should eventually (hopefully) fall in love with the mc and one of them can be together.
