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8 years difference? so what. he'S CUTE

jabberwocky November 3, 2013 11:43 am

8 years difference? so what. he'S CUTE

    Yhelia November 17, 2014 4:04 am

    I'm 30, and I don't think I could date a 22 year old. I would feel to much like his mother. A man needs to be mature enough to provide for a family. He'd need a very strong personality to not end up as a toy-boy.

    Yhelia November 17, 2014 4:06 am

    *too much

    Anonymous November 17, 2014 5:42 am
    I'm 30, and I don't think I could date a 22 year old. I would feel to much like his mother. A man needs to be mature enough to provide for a family. He'd need a very strong personality to not end up as a toy-bo... @Yhelia

    hmmm... I think it's a personal taste and dynamics of each couple + individual. But the "A man needs to be mature enough to provide for a family" is not a rule, a woman can be a housewife, why would a man have no option of being househusband?! And without strong personality he'd be a toy boy??? I'm sorry, but you are REALLY narrow minded.

    Yhelia November 19, 2014 11:22 am

    Well, yes, it's personal taste and dynamics. My personal taste is for a man who isn't drifting through life, the way that the main character is. He mentioned that all his previous girlfriends chased him. I hope that he's going to grow up soon, so that he can support her. I was more meaning the maturity of wanting to take care of her than saying that he can't be a househusband. And a strong personality to show that he's serious about her. But really, if a man doesn't want to work a stable job, how likely is he to stick around as a husband and father? If any 22 year olds want me to treat them as a real potential husband, I'm gonna need to see some proof in actions. If that's narrow-minded, so be it. Cute isn't enough for me.

    MOI? November 24, 2014 5:14 am
    I'm 30, and I don't think I could date a 22 year old. I would feel to much like his mother. A man needs to be mature enough to provide for a family. He'd need a very strong personality to not end up as a toy-bo... @Yhelia

    Hmm intersting. I am a 30 year-old office lady as well, i would never -in my right mind- even look twice at a younger man, 'dating' or having a family has never crossed my mind. Still i somehow prefer older or in my same-range-age men (i'd never judge a woman/man for dating a younger one -heck, i might have had one-night-stands with younger people without knowing)... i guess i just like to be spoiled while the 'relationship' hasn't expired

    Anonymous January 13, 2015 3:33 am
    Well, yes, it's personal taste and dynamics. My personal taste is for a man who isn't drifting through life, the way that the main character is. He mentioned that all his previous girlfriends chased him. I hope... @Yhelia

    you are narrow minded because the way you say it sounds like a rule for all

    Anonymous March 1, 2015 10:44 am
    hmmm... I think it's a personal taste and dynamics of each couple + individual. But the "A man needs to be mature enough to provide for a family" is not a rule, a woman can be a housewife, why would a man have ... @Anonymous

    well...maybe its just a mater of cultural difference, im 25 but i kinda understand why she said that. im living in eastern countries too,30 somethin age usually wants more mature and can be some one to be leaned on kind of partner,and usually you'll find that kind of partner if not older or at least around the same age. ppl in 30+ age usually doesnt have much time for love life as much as those in twenties, that's why they want more dependable and reliable partner.