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Kazuma was messed up and messed up that kid too! I didn't like this and it was just sick. ...

Raina November 3, 2013 4:14 am

Kazuma was messed up and messed up that kid too! I didn't like this and it was just sick. Kazuma had a scar deep inside or some bullshit. Give me a break. He was a grown up and raped a kid for god's sake. The kid just didn't know anything else and was afraid to leave the known for the unknown. A sad ending in my view.

    Kim December 16, 2013 6:55 am

    Stockholm syndrome, anyone?

    J. January 6, 2014 5:34 am

    Thank you! I am so glad that someone here has the same opinion as me -- I felt disgusted at the end of the story. They turned it their relationship into love, for crying out loud. That was completely ridiculous. Once that kid had the chance to run, he should have acted as any sane person would have and taken the chance with joy.