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Searching for a manga

MyNameIs6 January 3, 2019 10:28 am

So, I was looking for this yaoi manga about a yakuza seme and a doctor uke. The uke found the seme by chance in an alley, I think and he was wounded so the uke treated him. The seme later on search for him on the hospital and he thought the uke's name is... I forgot...And the seme thought he was a girl who was hiding her gender so he grope the uke's no, no spot to confirm that the uke was a girl. The seme asked "What is that?" Then the uke said, "It was his penis. That's all I have read so far on that story. So any idea what it is?

And another one is a one shot, a part of a volume possibly. The uke is a chef, the seme is also a chef. The uke thought the seme was his ex back in highschool but it was actually the seme's twin.

    MyNameIs6 January 3, 2019 10:38 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! presko

    Yes, that's it! Thanks!