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Despite what I say, RECOMMENDED READ!!!

Lil Maniac December 29, 2018 4:17 am

WARNING: Potential spoilers. Read at your own risk...

The manga was hilarious and the three mains were likeable, and I really enjoyed the story overall. BUT. That ending. It was so rushed. Nothing was even resolved. It’s like a whole bunch a conflicts piled up, caused a big explosion, and then the remains were just ignored without cleaning anything up.

The only loose end tied was bo young and haebyak (don’t remember his name) started dating. What about the student teacher that liked her? Did congressman find out she didn’t cheat and everything was just a misunderstanding? Did he find out she lied to protect her so called “friend”? How are they all so chummy at the end? Did he find out anything when he sent his men to trail her and kim? Did anyone even get punished for that big mess?And this is just a few of the things being left out.

If the end of this had been more fleshed out and not so rushed and cluttered, I might have given it 5 stars. I’ll give it 4.3 stars though, because i liked bo young’s personality to the end. Smart, kind and beautiful (and most importantly, mature. Not a whiny shoujo manga girl that’s clumsy a always needing to be protected from shet). I absolutely adore strong female characters like her.

    Mavikelebek February 12, 2019 11:43 am

    I totally agree with you. It can be at least 5 chapters to see real happy ending.and I still font know Mr Kim 's personality. He is so perfect man! I wanna see his boyfriend, (maybe he was not even guy ) . He was my favourite in manga. I think he deserve at least one chapter. And I was also so curious about how our main couple survive society. This is main part for me. 10 years not acceptable for so many people. I wanted to see them how respond them. Their marriage, dates.. her old friend sumi, her classmates... their children... it was so rush

    astralsensei June 20, 2019 4:11 am

    I agree with everything said above. This story could've been much more memorable if we got to dive into the lives of all of the characters more and understand them through more chapters. Overall though it was still fantastic! I wish I could've seen more of bo young's hs friends and their breakup, Mr. Kim (he was a hilarious character and perfect!), more of their relationship and so much more!

    I honestly wanted to see more of sena too and her development as well as the orignal yoon-joo! I loved this series though.

    I've read the author's other works like Dear Maria and I think the author just has trouble completing a series. Great job though. This series is definitely a high 4/5!

    Mavikelebek June 21, 2019 12:26 am
    I agree with everything said above. This story could've been much more memorable if we got to dive into the lives of all of the characters more and understand them through more chapters. Overall though it was s... astralsensei

    Yep, deserve it. :-)