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To be honest...

Yaoi4life December 26, 2018 5:35 am

I can’t take this anymore I don’t know who to feel pity for or who to support even Yujin the one guy that I thought was great was turned into a rapist( I can sorta feel him tho).

It’s being unnecessarily dragged out, if you think about it how many times has this Hyung guy been saying “I want to cut ties with you Yujin.”

The he calls that love, if you love him, hyung explain yourself to him, Yujin has told his feelings yet you are still making annoying rash decisions whenever you feel like it.

When all is said and done Hyung gonna need some serious fucking therapy for his emotional state and his lack of communication skills.

I just hope things turn out good if not I’m calling fucking quits( Yujin and Hyung have been hurt too much.)
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Yaoi4life December 26, 2018 5:38 am

    P.s Eunchan I get you’re trying to help but please stop