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wtf lol

Yuu December 25, 2018 12:29 pm

author are we even on earth? are the characters human? is gravity a thing?? you could at least show plane debris or the like breaking the surface tension of that water right before her impact to make it even semi-believable that she'd survive that with only a damn bump on her head?? and what even happened to the plane it still in the air? are the crew alive? the gaps in this are making me scream already. And I can just feel that drugged out rape scene coming in chapter two and then the MC magically falls for her rapist (i guess it's almost an improvement that the man was drugged this time so maybe he would be able to give the excuse that when he wasn't he couldn't possibly be such base scum but even then china...) and i'm not even gonna get started on the fishing her out of the water and at first glance ML being like OHOH THIS WOMAN IS DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE REST! (YES! BECAUSE SHE JUST FELL OUT OF THE SKY! UR STANDARDS ARE INSANE!) anyways; I'll hope it doesn't go the rape route so I'll read chapter 2 and then decide. I'm getting very scared of chinese female webtoon artists ideals of romance lately....
