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Wow i did not plan to write that long sorry

Somanyare December 13, 2018 11:17 pm

Let me ask what should i do
Recently, my friends started to act cold to me and i do not really know why. My social abilities are always bad and i was tried hard to be friends with them. And in the fact that our classes are seperated the gap came in between us. But i thougth it was fine since i was with them whenever i found a time. Aand then my class is changed again and i found myself in the classmates who are in their hate list. Btw, i did not care that at all and tried to get along with them since i want a peaceful times. That is the time when they started cold. Now i think there is a huge misunderstanding between us and they think im a two faced girl.
And now i dont know what to do. Sometimes I was nervous around them bec i dont wanna lose them. Now that i think they hate me, im really scared. I could not even said hi to them today when we bumped into each other and i just passed them without looking at their face. I know my acts are improving the misunderstanding but i was too scared to look at them. I feel like i was always scared of them and feel more relax with the ppl who in their hate lists. So i think i should just let go of them and let them think what they wanna. (But i was really loved them ugh im screwed up) (and dont think they are bad, they are right bout hate my classmate.)

    Madagascan Vanilla December 13, 2018 11:56 pm

    I mean, first of all, no one should act different towards you, specially a friend, just because you want to get along with someone they don't like. That's their problem, not yours.
    Second, I would let the situtation either settle down or just clarefy everything, just go to them and say "I feel like there's been a weird atmosphere between us, I want to get along with everybody and I like hanging out with you guys so lets get things straight" idk.
    But if you're more confortable with the people in your class than with them, maybe you should really reconsider let this slide and just continue the course of your life, make new friends and move on. There're times when it's better to give up on some people, even if you really cherish them :/

    I hope I could help and I totally know what you mean with " I know my acts are improving the misunderstanding", calm down, think that is not that big a deal and in a few weeks that won't even matter. (sorry if I made typos)

    Somanyare December 14, 2018 5:33 am
    I mean, first of all, no one should act different towards you, specially a friend, just because you want to get along with someone they don't like. That's their problem, not yours.Second, I would let the situta... Madagascan Vanilla

    Thank you for your advice, and yeah, you definitely helped to clear my thoughts. I should just go and ask them why.

    Madagascan Vanilla December 14, 2018 11:48 am
    Thank you for your advice, and yeah, you definitely helped to clear my thoughts. I should just go and ask them why. Somanyare

    Good luck :)