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What a piece of shit

Bruuh December 8, 2018 3:51 pm

Somehow this creator's note was worse than the fucking ending
they didn't explain a thing, shared no curious things, just some old designs
damn this sucked, for the first time I feel happy that my friends don't read the things I recomend fast, I have time to tell them to stay way from this garbage
It wwas so good and I was so excited at the bening, what a sore ending

    LinaLauLiu December 8, 2018 9:13 pm

    Someone explained about the author's situation. They make comic as their job, for the income. And the company that release this story decided to stop paying the author, that's why it has this kind of ending.

    You took it too far by saying someone else's hard work is garbage.
    Shame on you.

    Bruuh December 10, 2018 4:17 am

    I call everything garbage, it's a habit I have so yeah, it may have looked harsher than it was for someone who doesn't know me
    And even with the good characters and amazing art, the ending wasn't good and neither was the development. Even if the fault is all on the company, the fault on the author's note stays

    LinaLauLiu December 10, 2018 8:20 pm

    It goes the same for you to.
    Even with the fact that you call everything garbage is habit, calling garbage isn't good and neither make it a habit. Even if the fault is all on your habit, the fault on your comment " stay way from this garbage" (literally means the manga) stays.

    You read here for free, the least you can do is do not talk shit about the manga or author.
    You should learn how to be grateful, make it a habit would be great too.


    Bruuh December 11, 2018 5:43 am

    Kay, if I read it for free, I should be grateful to the people on the site, just to state that.
    And sometimes, things are not good, like the ending of this. It was bad, that's it. I understand that you're mad that I could hurt the author, that's exactly why i comented here. The autor would never read it here. I just stated what I, and some people I know who read this, felt. Which is indeed mean, not gonna say it wasn't