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I always cry when she leaves but the last 2 times have been killling me espectially this o...

Semele December 4, 2018 1:35 am

I always cry when she leaves but the last 2 times have been killling me espectially this one. It was just so sad like he carved her name into a braclet just for her and it just hurts my heart to see her cry because she knows not to fall in love with them but she ends up falling for them in the end and Ramases seemend to be so heartbroken. More so than the others when she left ughhhhhh why do I do this to myself ╥﹏╥

    AbbyMoe December 4, 2018 3:07 am

    Omg same like I read mangas before sleeping but after reading this I'm just so sad wooo ╥﹏╥