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Honestly, we’re 89 chapters in, and I have to say there has been absolute zero growth wi...

Adeedas November 30, 2018 2:24 pm

Honestly, we’re 89 chapters in, and I have to say there has been absolute zero growth with Merry. I understand he grew up sheltered, but I feel like he represents a typical shoujo girl who on most occasions people wouldn’t like, but because of his appeal his characterization is overlooked. I’ve been waiting for him to have some growth, anything at all. But he’s only babied further by Sooho, and inevitably Merry just keeps on coming off as a pretty stand-off housewife. I mean I can’t realisitcally give a 20-year-old a pass for this long. All he does is cry or be cute. I obviously don’t expect him to take on Sooho’s burdens or anything like that, he doesn’t have a concept of the urban or business lifestyle clearly. But I do ask for maturity when it comes to making decisions or taking care of yourself. At least stop looking so confused or babyish. You were raised in a normal society, not like Tarzan in some jungle by Spears While the loving relationship is definitely heart warming, the characters on their own have not really progressed as much in my opinion. There’s just been angst and nothing else. Really hoping something changes at this point. Honestly not trying to hate on it, the series definitely has promise as a drama series. But so far the plot hasn’t really given much, and Merry just comes off as my least favorite character for now (don’t hate him just stating an opinion).

    Adeedas November 30, 2018 2:29 pm

    Just to be clear. Obviously I hate the mother and many of the other antagonists and side characters. Merry is just my least favorite.

    Misaqi November 30, 2018 4:59 pm
    Just to be clear. Obviously I hate the mother and many of the other antagonists and side characters. Merry is just my least favorite. Adeedas

    He’s just cute, and takes cooking lessons. If i were raised the way merry’s raised, I would’ve had a part-time job in the city by now. I mean i get it if sooho sent him to uni but merry simply lies in bed or have chef or dori over to entertain him at home. He’s basically unrelatable, i suppose.

    lia December 1, 2018 2:33 am

    not a fan of him either, but i think there was some growing so far, he started to take studies (and the chef said he was surprisingly clever), he wants to become a cook and practices for that, he was able to socialize normally at the club (honestly he's so weird with people) worrying about that girl being gone for so long, and even spoke out to that guy, he also reached out to sohoo when sohoo was hurt and ignoring him, and didn't listen to him when sohoo told him to leave. so while slowly, some things have changed.

    i personally don't get merry, he's like an infant, and with his the look on his face, always doe-eyed and mouth half open, i think that's actually supposed to be the appeal for him lol ?? would be fine if it were a hentai, having an super naive, infant-like but sexy guy from an island with that dumb face all the time getting fucked, but since it's the opposite..yeah haha.

    the thing is, sohoo wants merry to stay innocent, and knows (or thinks) that merry will leave him at some point when he actually has a life and a personality (!), so i wonder how far his development will go