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I loved it... and then this ending, can we even call it a ending? No one seems to care Rya...

another love November 27, 2018 4:16 pm

I loved it... and then this ending, can we even call it a ending? No one seems to care Ryan is dead. Karis and Sihan age fighting but we have no more explanation on what is going on. After having his memory erased Christoph has no character development (does he feel he is missing something? Did he remember killing sarhon's parents? Does he remember his brother ?) And yes what happened To the devil brother?, here There is really no development and no ending. He arrived and left just like this, no one seems to care he killed Ryan. It feels like Only kyon and have a ending or sort of, cause they age happy together and seems Kyon is planning à future, but weeks like he does not see a future together.

I loved this story like crazy but now I Feel frustrated really and with à dumbfounded face to my many question.
