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Why such a low score?

Shirayuki November 21, 2018 1:59 am

I have no idea why the rating for this manga is so low. Kuroda compared to a bunch of other semes in other manga doesn’t even come close to being an actual asshole (you know what I mean if you’ve read a lot of Yaoi before lolol).

And the story is very nice and simple. It’s just fluffy and very realistic. It’s hard for you to be able to be with your loved one 24/7 no matter how much you wish for it. And it’s up to them to reassure each other, which Kuroda will probably now do beyond this manga. Took them a while, but every couple takes a while to understand eachother’s needs.

Idk I’d still give it 4.5/5 lol it was pleasant and fun to read
